02 min reading inDevOps

Self-Hosted Git Server with Gitea on Kubernetes

This guide will demonstrate how you can effortlessly host Gitea on a private Kubernetes cluster and utilize it as a package registry.

Are you tired of overpriced package registries? Rapidly deploy your own git and package registry - with Gitea - using their helm chart.


This post assumes that you have a microk8s cluster set up with cert-manager, ingress, and dns configured, and a cluster issuer letsencrypt-prod ready.

To get started, feel free to follow my Blog Post on Microk8s Private Cluster Setup.

Setting it Up

Please note - This is meant for a quick temporary private package. There is no persistence intended.

For easy installation, you can use this simple script

./install_gitea_microk8s.sh \ K8_NAMESPACE="<installation-namespace>" \ RELEASE_NAME="<release-name>" \ ADMIN_USERNAME="<...>" \ ADMIN_PASSWORD="<...>" \ INGRESS_HOST="<host-url>"

In the above script, $INGRESS_HOST represents a subdomain you've configured a DNS entry for, pointing to your server, for instance: my-git.example.com.


First, to ensure that this doesn't consume too many resources, we disable the high-availability database and use the default one instead.

microk8s helm install $RELEASE_NAME gitea-charts/gitea \ -n $K8_NAMESPACE \ --set postgresql-ha.enabled=false \ --set postgresql.enabled=true \

Next, we establish some credentials for our default admin user:

--set gitea.admin.username="$ADMIN_USERNAME" \ --set gitea.admin.password="$ADMIN_PASSWORD" \

We then enable and configure the ingress. Please note we are increasing the proxy-body-size to 1GB to allow us to push larger packages.

--set ingress.enabled=true \ --set "ingress.annotations.kubernetes\.io/ingress\.class=public" \ --set "ingress.annotations.cert-manager\.io/cluster-issuer=letsencrypt-prod" \ --set "ingress.annotations.nginx\.ingress\.kubernetes\.io/proxy-body-size=1g" \ --set ingress.hosts[0].host="$INGRESS_HOST" \ --set ingress.hosts[0].paths[0].path=/ \ --set ingress.hosts[0].paths[0].pathType=Prefix \ --set ingress.tls[0].secretName="git.$RELEASE_NAME-tls" \ --set ingress.tls[0].hosts[0]="$INGRESS_HOST" \

To make packages of the admin user private, sign in at $INGRESS_HOST, navigate to Settings > Profile > Visibility, and set it to Private.

Uploading a Package

You can push a package to a path under your Gitea user as follows:

echo "<your-admin-password" | docker login $INGRESS_HOST -u <your-gitea-admin> --password-stdin docker tag <image-id> $INGRESS_HOST/<your-gitea-admin>/<some-package-name>

Authenticating Deployments for Pulling Images

It's essential to authorize your deployments to pull your private container images. You can create a simple image pull secret in your Helm chart as outlined below.

kind: Secret type: kubernetes.io/dockerconfigjson apiVersion: v1 metadata: name: dockerconfigjson-github-com namespace: {{ .Values.rootNamespace }} stringData: .dockerconfigjson: > {{ ( dict "auths" ( dict "$INGRESS_HOST" ( dict "auth" .Values.registryAuth.token ) ) ) | toJson }} {{- end }}

If you're using Github packages, for instance, $INGRESS_HOST would be ghcr.io

Create a token by Base64 encoding the user:password string:

echo "<gitea-admin>:<gitea-admin-password" | base64

This will allow you to pull from your private repositories.

Setting up gitea action runners via helm

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