02 min reading inDevOps

MariaDB on Kubernetes with Backup Cron-job

This straightforward guide will walk you through deploying and exposing a basic MariaDB database on your microk8s Kubernetes cluster.

Every now and then, when setting up a simple staging environment, the need for a quick-setup database that retains state consistently arises. In such situations, I often lean towards MariaDB, specifically utilizing the Bitnami Helm Chart, with slight tweaks to achieve the following:

  • An auto-set, namespace setup
  • Accessibility through a single host subdomain + port
  • Easy hourly backups to a specified host path
  • Exposure through TCP to the cluster host


This post is operating under the assumption that you have a microk8s Kubernetes cluster already set up, complete with cert-manager, ingress, dns and an active and configured letsencrypt-prod cluster issuer.

Note: To jumpstart your setup, you might find this Blog Post on Microk8s Private Cluster Setup quite helpful.


For a swift deployment of this configuration:

  1. Grab this script
  2. Then run it as follows:
./create_mariadb.sh \ RELEASE_NAME="<release-name>" \ K8_NAMESPACE="<installation-namespace>" \ DB_USERNAME="<db-username>" \ DB_PASSWORD="<your-super-secure-password>" \ DB_NAME="<db-name>" \ TARGET_PORT="<desired-port>" \ HOST_BACKUP_PATH="<your host backup volume>"

Remember to expose the desired port through your firewall with a sudo ufw allow $TARGET_PORT command.

Uninstallation Process:

Execute the following command:

microk8s helm uninstall $RELEASE_NAME

Connecting to the Database

Use this command to establish a connection to the database:

docker run -it --rm mysql mysql --host <your-host-domain> --port <your-port> --user <your-user> --password --protocol=TCP

Or use this with --network="host" if your testing a local server. Remember to enter the admin password when prompted.

Backing up the Database

Here's a simple docker command for accomplishing this:

docker run --network="host" --rm mysql:5.7 mysqldump -h localhost -P 30004 -u <your-user> -p<your-admin-password> --protocol=TCP <your-db-name> > backup.sql

Host Backup Strategy

A straightforward example of a cron job that allows your database to be backed up regularly is created as follows:

  1. First, create a secret to hold your MariaDB credentials:
microk8s kubectl create secret generic mariadb-creds --from-literal=password='$DB_PASSWORD' --from-literal=username='$DB_USER' -n $K8_NAMESPACE
  1. Then, define a CronJob in a yaml file:
apiVersion: batch/v1beta1 kind: CronJob metadata: name: backup-job spec: schedule: "0 * * * *" jobTemplate: spec: template: spec: volumes: - name: backup-volume hostPath: path: "$HOST_BACKUP_PATH" containers: - name: backup-container image: mysql:5.7 volumeMounts: - name: backup-volume mountPath: /backup env: - name: MYSQL_PWD valueFrom: secretKeyRef: name: mariadb-creds key: password - name: MYSQL_USER valueFrom: secretKeyRef: name: mariadb-creds key: username command: ["sh", "-c", 'mysqldump -h database-host -P 30004 -u $MYSQL_USER --protocol=TCP database-name > /backup/backup-$(date +%Y%m%d-%H%M%S).sql'] restartPolicy: OnFailure

With this configuration in place, you would have a CronJob that executes hourly backups of the database.

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